When you are rushing to get your loved one out of jail quickly, you want a bail agent who is as equally dedicated to your cause as you are. To find a bail agents like that, contact Iowa Bail Bonds at (319) 229-2222 .Are you...

Most people are confused by the idea of bail and bail bonds, but they do not need to be. Bail can be really simple, all you need to do is contact Iowa Bail Bonds by calling (319) 229-2222 .Bail bonds are not as confusing as...

We’ve all done it from time to time. We’ve slipped behind the wheel even though we feel tired. We tell ourselves that it’s okay, that we’re not really all that tired, or that we’re only going a short distance so the fact that we’re practically...

The bail bond program is a wonderful part of the American justice system. It’s a program that allows you to be released from jail and reunite with your family while you wait for the conclusion of your case. Without the current bail bonds program, there’s...

No one ever wakes up with a plan to go out and get arrested. Yet, thousands of people are arrested every single day in Iowa alone. If you happen to know someone who was unfortunate enough to get arrested, there is something you can do...

If there is one thing that people like, it is the having the ability to make their own choices. Everyone loves having the freedom to do whatever they want whenever they want. This is why getting arrested is so unanimously hated. No one likes to...

Being out on bail means that you’re out of jail but it doesn’t necessarily mean you’re free to do whatever you want. How much your life changes depends on the specific restrictions the court has placed on you and your usual lifestyle. For example, if...

One of the first things we’re asked when it comes to bail is what documents we need before we can start the process. You’ll be surprised to learn that we don’t require a lot of documentation and it's things you can quickly locate.The first thing...

The booking process is what happens after a person was just arrested. This process involves a series of procedures the defendant goes through in order to be properly and formally documented into the system; this is when the official arrest record is created. The booking...

A surprising number of clients we deal with understand that a bail bond helps them get out of jail, which it does, but they also seem to think that the bail bond also means that they are on probation or parole. That’s not the case...

Everyone has an opinion about the COVID-19 vaccination options. Some people have opted to ignore the entire debate and simply purchase a fake Covid-19 vaccination card. This card “proves” that you were vaccinated against the virus and will therefore be granted admittance to places that...